All drawings are done to latest BOMA standards and are provided on electronic and paper media. Drawings can be provided via email or by Digital Media (DVD) on request. One set of 11" x 17" paper copies are provided, additional sets or copies are by request.
Field Verification and Drawing
Field Verification and Drawing
​5,000sf or less
​5,000sf or less
Field Measure and Draw Floor Plans
5,001sf to 30,000sf
5,001sf to 30,000sf
Field Measure and Draw Floor Plans
30,001sf to 60,000sf
30,001sf to 60,000sf
Existing Drawing Modifications, Conversions from other Formats
Existing Drawing Modifications, Conversions from other Formats
All other work
All other work
$40 per Hour
$40 per Hour
Includes drawing conversions from other formats such as PDF's, other versions of CAD, etc.
Field Measure and Draw Floor Plans
60,001sf to 100,000sf
60,001sf to 100,000sf
Field Measure and Draw Floor Plans
100,001sf and up
100,001sf and up
Field Measure and Draw Floor Plans